Vanilla custard (RPAH elim friendly)

For the past 2-3 months I have been on the RPAH elimination diet that removes preservatives, additives, colourings, amines, salicylates and glutamate from the diet. After almost 2 months it has finally been the best it has ever been in a very long time (without the need for UV therapy!). I am pretty happy with the result but I am still really dying to have more fruits and vegetables. Since I cannot have almost all fruit, veg and herbs and spices life is pretty bland. I haven’t been getting my sugar from fruits and so I am constantly craving cakes when I never have before. However, when I completed a challenge week that had a heap of fruit and veg I didn’t feel like eating cakes and pastries any more! Anyway, this custard recipe goes well with cakes and puddings or you could make it thicker and just eat it on its own. The original recipe is from here.

Vanilla custard

Gluten free, dairy free, soy free, nut free, egg free, vegan, failsafe


3 cups rice milk (or you could substitute it with any other milk)
3 tablespoons white sugar
3 tablespoons cornstarch
1 teaspoon vanilla essence


  1. Place the milk in a small saucepan with the sugar and heat on low to low-medium heat.
  2. Place the cornstarch into a small cup and take a teaspoon or two of the heating milk to dissolve the cornstarch. Use more if its still pretty gluggy. Then add it to the saucepan and stir. Don’t add the cornstarch directly to the milk as it will form clumps that will never dissolve (I made that mistake this batch and you can see the clumps).
  3. Add your vanilla essence and continue to heat till it starts simmering. At this point turn the heat down to low and keep stirring to avoid clumps or it burning at the bottom of the pan. Keep heating till it thickens and when it is the right consistency take it off the heat and cool. If you want it super thick you may need to add more cornstarch, and vice versa.

I had this custard with pear upside down cake and it was a treat!

vanilla custard

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